How to bite the Polish flower market

Although the inflation rate in Poland is dropping, the economic situation of Poles is still rather difficult, which can be seen in the prices of commodities in Poland. 
Poles count every zloty and the topic of high prices is being discussed daily in the news. In this regard and considering the fact that ornamentals are the first product group on which households are saving money, the export numbers are surprising positively.

Export destination

Although export of flowers and plants to Poland didn’t reach a new level of sales, it also didn’t drop, contrary to the biggest flower markets like Germany or France but kept a stable and solid position of the fifth biggest export destination for flowers from the Netherlands (according to Floridata).

Flowers are the easiest way to bring a positive mood to households and as Poles are shortening or even resigning from having regular holidays, they invest in flowers and plants in their surroundings. The current trends in interior design only strengthens this approach towards greenery at homes and offices.


Another factor is the Ukrainian minority in Poland. During the last year approx. 2 mln Ukrainians found their home in Poland. The educational structure of this minority is rather high, therefore many of them found a job or started a new business here. Among them also florists are to be found. And the presence of them is very visible (and desirable) on the Polish market: the arrangements sold and bought by Ukrainians are often diverse, big and rich. Ukrainian language is often heard on flower wholesale markets.

Professional floristry

Next to that Polish flower market was very hot last year when the European Floristry Championship was organized. This year another competition -for young florists this time- will be organized in Gdansk in September. Such events and Polish willingness to organize them shows the involvement of the Polish floristry in the further development of the sector.

Next to that, for a few years a stage for professionals is developing: during the Gardenia fair in November in Poznan many Polish florists are presenting their skills and ideas. And even more of them are coming to Poznan to look for inspiration and news from the floral sector. 


And while talking about inspiration and education- a new school for floristry on the vocational level is now being built (literally) in the South of Poland which proves the need and the rising demand on the professional floral education in Poland. Thematical workshops, floral shows or short floristry courses for all floral levels are also more popular and visible on the market.

It seems that a continuous improvement and education is taking place in Poland in every part of the sector chain: on the very basic level, consumers are buying flowers for their homes at market stores, where flowers found their permanent place on shelves and the quality of them is growing.

At the same time the level of floral arrangements is visibly growing which translates itself in the amount and price of flowers bought by florists active on the market.


Also many recurring floral events dedicated to the end consumer are taking place in Poland. Even if they have a rather regional range, they drive demand for flowers and serve for sure educational purposes of the end consumer. Some of the events are celebrating round anniversaries which only proves the long-lasting need for this type of events.

Poland is still facing economic challenges that are slowing down the growth of the floral market here. But it doesn’t stop the consumers or professionals from education and initiatives to support the development of this sector.

Summer 2023