Floow in numbers
- we have over 10 years of experience on the market of ornamentals,
- our database consists of ca. 200 Polish producers of cut flowers and pot plants,
- several in-buyers from different retail chains and DIY stores in Poland,
- almost 100 Polish importers oriented on cut flowers,
- above 1000 flower shops and florists being active in Poland.
Our team:
Anna Rosochacz
Anna studied horticulture and is certified PRINCE2® and MSP® project manager. For years she has run public funded and EU projects related to the environment and green trade. With passion she realizes the communication strategy on the flower Polish market. Anna has coordinated international flower fairs and exhibitions. As an experienced florist, she also took part in five editions of the Flower Festival in Baku (Azerbaijan). She stands behind the success of the Royal Rose Exhibition and the Royal Flower Exhibition, both realized in the Royal Castle in Warsaw. Anna executed Covid-19 report in the Polish production of ornamentals.
Anna speaks English and Spanish.
Get in touch with Anna anna@floow.pl
Agnieszka Murawska
traces changes and trends on the Polish flower market and sees relations between clients, florists, wholesalers and producers. She gained experience at the Dutch Embassy in Warsaw, where greenhouse production and the sector of ornamental flowers and plants was her main expertise. Initiator of the Florists Survey in Poland. Studied agriculture and modern languages (Dutch and German).
Write Aga an e-mail: aga@floow.pl